Explore Evolution The Arguments for and Against Neo-Darwinism

Response to the National Center for Science Education’s Review of Explore Evolution

In 2007, Hill House Publishers (Melbourne and London) published the first edition of Explore Evolution: The Arguments for and Against Neo-Darwinism. Designed as a supplementary text for High School AP Biology courses and freshman college biology courses, Explore Evolution was co-authored by two state university biologists, two philosophers of science, and a science/technical writer. Prior to publication, the book was peer-reviewed by a number of scientists and educators in various fields, and the book is currently used in a number of secondary schools and colleges. Praising Explore Evolution as “surprisingly rich for so concise a treatment,” the reviewer for Kirkus Discoveries lauded the book for covering “an impressive amount of terrain… in a colorful and lively fashion” and for providing Read More ›

The Catechism Versus the Data: A Reply to John Timmer’s Review of Explore Evolution

The following articles respond to a review of Explore Evolution by biologist and science writer John Timmer at arstechnica.com. Introduction: The Catechism Versus the Data The “Fact” of Evolution When Did “Neo-Darwinism” Become a Dirty Word? A Mis-Aimed Critique of Inquiry-Based Education Double-Standards on Textbook Treatments of Evolution Macolm Gordon and the Origin of Tetrapods Monophyly vs. Polyphyly and Christian Schwabe Reference Cited Timmer, John. “A biologist reviews an evolution textbook from the ID camp.” September 24, 2008. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2008/09/discovery-textbook-review/.

The Arguments for and Against Neo-Darwinism